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Innnnehållet nedan är hämtat ur Ants Soosorvs artikel i Renju Newsletter 377 som utkom den 7 maj 1016.

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Partierna kan man se hos

Renju: 1. Estonia 1 27 2. China 25 3. Russia 1 21,5 4. Russia 2 18,5 5. Estonia 2 13,5 6. Japan 12,5 7. Sweden 12 8. Estonia 3 9 9. Chinese Taipei 5 Favorite no. 1 was of course our best renju country China But China was unlucky, first Cao Dong got sick and coudnt come and secondly they gave out too many points during tournament, Estonia was slightly forward all the time. Estonian team opposite had great luck during whole competition. Gomoku: 1. Poland 8 (top 4 played in final) 2. Czech Republic 7 3. Chinese Taipei 6 4. Estonia 1 3 5. Estonia 3 (Ladies Team) 6. Estonia 2 7. International Team 8. Estonia 5 9. Estonia 4 Poland was main favorite together with Czech, but nothing came easily for them, the battle was really exciting. I hope to publish all results of renju and gomoku on tournaments page ASAP About YWC - Now its sure we will organise it in Tallinn, dates are same - August 7.-13., accommodation is in same place with same price like in TWC, but I will send you more information during next week. Friendly, Ants