Nedan följer på engelska några varianter när det gäller öppningsregler.  

Olika varianter när det gäller öppningsregler

En del tillämpas när detta skrivs men flertalet är olika förslag till regler som bara har diskuterats inom Renju International Federation.

1. RIF rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The next player has a right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board.
- The black player puts two non-symmetrical 5th moves on the board.
- The white player chooses one 5th and plays the 6th move.

2. Taraguchi rule
- The black player puts the first move in the center of the board.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 2nd move within 3x3 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 3rd move within 5x5 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 4th move within 7x7 central square.

The choice 1 (after the 4th move):
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 5th move within 9x9 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player plays the 6th move anywhere on board.

The choice 2 (after the 4th move):
- The black player puts five 5th moves anywhere on board
(symmetrical moves are not allowed).
- The white player chooses one of the offered 5th moves and plays
the 6th move anywhere on board.

3. Sakata rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The next player puts the 4th move (within 7x7 central square) and
the 5th move (within the 9x9 central square).
- The first player has a right to swap after that.

4. Tarannikov rule
- The black player puts the first move in the centre of the board.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 2nd move within 3x3 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 3rd move within 5x5 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 4th move within 7x7 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 5th move within 9x9 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player plays the 6th move anywhere on board.

5. Yamaguchi rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings and declares how
many 5th moves will be offered in that game.
- The next player has a right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before (symmetrical moves not allowed).
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.

6. Jonsson rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board and declares
whether there will be 1, 2 or 3 fifth moves offered in the game.
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before (symmetrical moves not allowed).
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.

7. Gomoku - pro rule
- The black player puts the first move in the center of the board.
- The white player will put the 2nd anywhere on the board.
- The black player will put the 3rd move outside 5x5 central

There are no forbidden moves. 6 or more in a row is not win.

8. Rejection rule
Before the start of a game players alternately reject opening rules
until only one set of opening rules remains.

9. Experimental rule
All kinds of less known experimental opening rules.

10. Soosyrv rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has the right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board and declares
whether there will be 1, 2, 3 or 4 fifth moves offered in the game.
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before.The fifth moves can not be symmetrical.
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.
After that the opening stage is over and the game continues
normally by renju rules.

11. Gomoku - swap2 rule
- The first player puts 2 black and 1 white stones anywhere on the
- The second player has 3 options: - stay with white,
- swap,
- put 2
more stones and let the opponent choose the colour

12. LianHuan rule
From Beginning, the black stone and white stone be made moves
alternately. The opening of a game (first 4 moves), when it is your
turn to move, you have two ways of choice, either one move of turn
to color or couple moves (a black & a white). If you make one move
then your opponent has to turn to another color stone. If you make
couple moves, your opponent can swap right (choice color). From 6th
move the Black and White will be finalize, until end the game.

13. Soosyrv-10 rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has the right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on the board and
declares the number of fifth moves offered in the game (from 1 to
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before.The fifth moves can not be symmetrical.
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.
After that the opening stage is over and the game continues
normally by renju rules.

14. LianHuan-2011 rule
From open, the black stone and white stone be made moves
alternately. The opening of a game (first 5 moves), when it is your
turn to move, you have two ways of choice, either one move of turn
to color or couple moves (a black & a white). If you make one move
then your opponent has to turn to another color stone. If you make
couple moves, your opponent can swap right (make move(s) or not).
From 6th move the Black and White will be finalize, until end the
- The first player puts the 1st move in the center on the board, or
puts 1st in H8 and 2nd (white one) in direct or indirect.
- The 3rd move should be one of the 26 openings.
- If 5th move be put only, the opponent have to made 6th move and
the game continues normally by renju rules. If 4-5th moves be put,
the opponent can put 6th or not (swap)

15. Gomoku - experimental rule
All kinds of less known experimental gomoku opening rules

16. Taraguchi-7 rule
- The black player puts the first move in the center of the board.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 2nd move within 3x3 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 3rd move within 5x5 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player will put the 4th move within 7x7 central square.

The choice 1 (after the 4th move):
- The other player may swap.
- The black player will put the 5th move within 9x9 central square.
- The other player may swap.
- The white player plays the 6th move anywhere on board.

The choice 2 (after the 4th move):
- The black player puts seven 5th moves anywhere on board
(symmetrical moves are not allowed).
- The white player chooses one of the offered 5th moves and plays
the 6th move anywhere on board.

17. Super Sakata rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The next player puts the 4th move (within 7x7 central square) and
the 5th move (within the 9x9 central square).
- The opponent has after that three possibilities:
(a) to put white stone and continue the game by regular Renju rules
as white;
(b) to swap sides and to continue the game as black by regular
Renju rules;
(c) to put white and black stones to any free points; after this
the player who did not put last two stones has possibilities (a),
(b),(c) again etc. until the choice different from (c) will be

18. Soosyrv-5 rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has the right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board and declares
whether there will be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 fifth moves offered in the
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before.The fifth moves can not be symmetrical.
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.
After that the opening stage is over and the game continues
normally by renju rules.

19. Yamasyrv-5 rule
The first player puts one of the 26 openings and can declare how
many 5th moves will be offered in that game. If the first player
declared the number of 5th moves then the game will be played by
Yamaguchi rules. If the first player did not declare the number of
5th moves then the game will be played by Soosyrv-5 rules.

20. Soosyrv-7 rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has the right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board and declares
whether there will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 fifth moves offered in
the game.
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was
declared before.The fifth moves can not be symmetrical.
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays
the 6th move.
After that the opening stage is over and the game continues
normally by renju rules.

21.Yamasyrv-7 rule
The first player puts one of the 26 openings and can declare how
many 5th moves will be offered in that game. If the first player
declared the number of 5th moves then the game will be played by
Yamaguchi rules. If the first player did not declare the number of
5th moves then the game will be played by Soosyrv-7 rules.

22. Soosyrv-6 rule
- The first player puts one of the 26 openings.
- The other player has the right to swap.
- The white player puts the 4th move anywhere on board and declares whether there will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 fifth moves offered in the game.
- The other player has a right to swap.
- The black player puts as many 5th moves on the board as it was declared before.The fifth moves can not be symmetrical.
- The white player chooses one 5th from these offerings and plays the 6th move.
After that the opening stage is over and the game continues normally by renju rules.